The Future
Is Weird

ChadPrompts optimizes your ChatGPT experience.

Resistance Is Futile

AI is scary to some, but it's an awesome tool in the right hands.We are those hands.Stop freaking out, and let us show you exactly how to use AI to automate the boring and repetitive so you can focus on the custom, high-dollar work.We help writers, programmers, office workers, bloggers, marketers, and anyone else who works in the knowledge industry exponentially increase their value.

What We Do

Prompt Generation

Domain-specific prompt generation to take you from concept to implementation.

LLM Training

Using the default LLM exposes you to generic responses. We train the model with context-specific information, increasing the opportunity for unique responses.

Content Creation

We use our unique process to create killer web content for you.

Who We Are

We are a team of experienced writers, systems engineers, software developers, marketers, product managers, and alligator wrestlers with deep expertise across various highly profitable niches.


Ready to throw your money down on the table?Sweet!The downside is that ChadPrompts isn't a real service.It's an example of what I can do for yours.

What I Do

I craft stories for tech companies that grab their customers by the eyeballs.There are two different ways we can work together to tell your story.First is a weekly subscription that includes ten tweets and one thread.Start Your Weekly Insane Tweet SubscriptionThe second is a monthly subscription that includes tweets, blog posts, and memes. One request at a time, with an average delivery time of 48 hours.Start Your Monthly Content Creation SubscriptionHave questions? Let's talk.Book a 15-minute intro call